Welcome to my Web-Site for home automation projects and smart home with Siri!
With this Blog I document and share experience of my Home-IT / automations / smart home. Questions regarding that topics are welcome and I would like to discuss it with you! Proposals for new projects are welcome and I will try to realise it! All my solutions are integrated in HomeKit and I can control it with Siri.
I update these blog frequently and I will release new projects. 99 % of the topics are on this site and the cookie banner is integrated.
Please note, that I use WP-Statistics, but I do not analyze your personal data!
New content is about my Apple infrastructure. I have a new Mac Mini with an external SSD und optimized the storage. With the Synology Diskstation are the backups generated.
Complete topics of samschulz.de:
- Projekte
- Meine Hardware
- Temperaturmessung Lüftungsanlage
- Steuerung der Lüftungsanlage
- Türöffner mittels HomeBridge
- Fussbodenheizung mit Fibaro Switch steuern
- Tricks und Tipps
- Netzwerk – WLAN
- Licht-Steuerung mittels Fibaro und HUE
- Raffstore / Jalousie Steuerung
- Werbefreies Internet
- Domain – wie hoste ich eine Homepage?
The Amazon Affiliate Links are not up-to-date! Pls search directly on Amazon or any other platform!
Please note: It is easier to do my projects on a Mac!